*Originally published by James F. O’Connor in his 2015 authorial debut, entitled “His Heart the Crucible“*
He is his choice and his lack of choice, him
Together, they began
In one cell intravenous, clung to gland
Deliriums of escape from tyrannical, binding alleles
Thought to be freeing, yet weaving his bastille
No havens in this Hell–just pain he’s endured
Helices spindling iron bars from which he can’t emerge
He strives to be different, and in doing so, is diligent
No message in the bottle he cast to sea, thrashed in waters opaque-d by genetic filament
Neither a thought his own remains, nor does penitence
Drowning, bearing this unknown sentence
He is his cell and his cell, him; it’s bars manifold, preventing a bond, an embrace
Veiling the figure of his vitreous heart, his no-name face
Heart somber and swaying, soul inveighing
Enmity vivifies consigned sentience, ballasted by ailing marrow
Once invisible, spindles beams of porous light, which narrow
In this cell, he sees the key to release
Outside the cell no longer inside him — with hope ceased
Feet planted far from the lock, roots running too deep, he is not freed
Outside his blood cell is his key
And in that cellblock, he’s left to never be