WordWoven's Blog
Industry-leading insights and thought leadership in digital, strategy, and writing.

ChatGPT 4.0: The Ghost, the Machine & the Realities of Generative AI’s ‘Understanding’ in Digital Marketing
ChatGPT-4: the Ghost, the Machine, and the Remaining Limitations of Generative AI in Digital Marketing By WordWoven CEO, James O’Connor When it comes to ChatGPT and generative AI in 2024, there are no adults in the room. Therefore, I’m going to do some adulting throughout this post, giving an objective assessment of what’s going on with this technology (primarily in the context of ChatGPT), and what to actually believe. I’m neither a detractor nor proponent of AI as a marketing leader, but I will spend the first half of this post detailing generative AI’s limitations given

Why Does Technical Writing Fail? 4 Reasons
Why Does Technical Writing Fail? 4 Reasons Lying supine on the bedroom floor, exhausted, and while spinning an Allen wrench between my thumb and forefinger, I glance at the nearby waste bin into which I consigned my dresser’s instruction manual. Wiping sweat from my brow, I consider retrieving it from the waste bin, marking it up in red ink, and mailing it back to the manufacturer. I’d assembled the dresser without reading the instructions: not because it was simple for me (I’m terrible at assembling furniture), but because the instructions were useless, seemingly written as if

What Makes Negative Keywords Different from Others?
What Makes Negative Keywords Different from Others? Of the 5 primary keyword match types relevant to pay-per-click (PPC), negative keywords give exclusionary control over what queries serve up your ads to searchers. More specifically, a negative keyword list has all the functionality of the other 4 targeted keyword types, but works in reverse. For example, a regular, targeted keyword list works as follows and in the outlined sequence until we get to the 5th row of the below table, entitled Negative Match. Once at the Negative Match column, we can work backward from the Broad Match

Reasons to Prioritize Brand Management Strategy
8 Reasons to Prioritize Brand Management Strategy Branding is the oldest concept in advertising, traceable to the earliest periods of human history in which we were better described as hominids. In this stage of our evolutionary development, our ancestors branded cave walls with hieroglyphics containing the narratives, events, ideas, and symbols worth sharing. Given the duration of time branding has existed in one form or another throughout our evolutionary development, it’s no surprise that it remains an integral part of any marketing strategy in today’s contemporary marketplace. So integral is the brand management strategy to an

Receipt from the Untended Register
A Receipt from the Untended Register *Originally published by James F. O’Connor in his 2015 authorial debut, entitled “His Heart the Crucible“* One civilization’s emblem of liberty implored the world for its tired, hungry, and poor, as if knowing her role as artifice, as sentinel peering eastward throughout the portent of an ever-rising Atlantic–ignoring the ruin at her back as the sea engulfed the torch in her beckoning arm. Beforehand, in November, Friday fell black and Thursday fell gray, rendering this forecasted yet un-prevented eulogy. ‘I buy, therefore I am,’ the misprint reads on classrooms’ abandoned

Cellblock [Poem]
Cellblock *Originally published by James F. O’Connor in his 2015 authorial debut, entitled “His Heart the Crucible“* He is his choice and his lack of choice, him Together, they began In one cell intravenous, clung to gland Deliriums of escape from tyrannical, binding alleles Thought to be freeing, yet weaving his bastille No havens in this Hell–just pain he’s endured Helices spindling iron bars from which he can’t emerge He strives to be different, and in doing so, is diligent No message in the bottle he cast to sea, thrashed in waters opaque-d by genetic filament

Blogging and SEO: 10 Beginner Tips
Blogging and SEO: 10 Tips for Beginners In this blog, we’ll outline the easiest blogging for SEO tips for beginners, steps for implementation where applicable, and our rationale for each. Contrary to many beginning bloggers and nascent SEOs’ opinions, the blogosphere isn’t just a corner of the internet for cataloging thoughts and opinions: it’s a powerful and scalable revenue-generating tool for any brand intending to win subscribers, leads, and customers online. How Much Should Your Blogging and SEO Strategy Relate? Any brand that isn’t blogging for SEO will miss out on a major channel by which

5 Copywriting Tips: The CURVE Method
5 Copywriting Tips: The CURVE Method Is your copywriting abreast the CURVE, behind it, or ahead of it? While there are plenty of great copywriting tips, there is no such things as an effective ‘copywriting trick.’ I.e., there’s no easy way to provide value to prospective customers in a way that turns them into actual customers: while the most skilled copywriters make this look easy, creating the illusion of ease requires a lot of hard work. So, if you’re okay with being a snake oil salesman masquerading as a copywriter, you’ll bemoan the grit required to

Do AI Content Writing Tools Actually Work?
Do AI Content Writing Tools Actually Work? Work with AI Content Writing Tools in 2023, But Don’t Expect Them to Do the Actual Work How does a mind that is born to write compare to a ‘mind’ that’s programmed to write? If you’re a skilled content writer, take a deep breath. AI content writing tools aren’t going to take your job anytime soon. However, if you rely on them too much, you should lose your job, for 2 reasons: 1) It’s unlikely you have the content writing skills necessary to outwrite most AI and 2) Relying on

Richard Daniel O’Connor’s Eulogy
Speechwriting sample: a eulogy for my beloved father, Richard Daniel O’Connor III

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View the performance screenshots below and click the ‘WordWoven’s Results’ button beneath them to see what our writing and content expertise accomplishes. From 5-figure percentage increases in marketing KPIs like SEO-based website lead generation to sales-qualified opportunity increases from inbound marketing campaigns.
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James O'Connor is the Owner and Principal SEO, Digital Marketing, and Content Consultant of WordWoven. As a 4-year Forbes Communication Council inductee with 8 years of marketing management experience up to VP of Digital Marketing and agency CEO levels, he wields 11 years of total SEO and digital inbound marketing experience with lead generation, content writing, and performance marketing emphases. He's best known for building and leading marketing teams through complex industries and customer acquisition funnels, as well as generating 15 to 50x digital marketing and lead development KPI increases.